Stuff, Etc.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Cunningham Does The Right Thing

Although a bit surprising, it is clearly the correct decision,
Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Escondido, won't seek re-election next year, he announced Thursday, in the midst of a federal grand jury investigation into what some allege are inappropriate ties to a Washington defense contractor.
Here is a summary of the possible wrong-doings he may have committed.
A federal grand jury is investigating Cunningham's sale of a Del Mar Heights home in 2003 to a defense contractor at what may have been an inflated $1.675 million price. Mitchell J. Wade, founder of defense firm MZM Inc., sold the home nearly a year later for $975,000, losing $700,000. Cunningham also lived on Wade's 42-foot yacht, the Duke Stir, docked in Washington, D.C.
Del Mar Heights is nice, but not that nice... Anyways, it's pretty surprising to see how quickly this all got going, as much of the momentum was started by Joshua Micah Marshall over at Talking Points Memo, about a month ago when the story first broke. That's right, it was basically a blog that got the whole thing going - albeit a very powerful blog.

Expect a Republican primary lineup of nearly a dozen, as an opportunity at the House rarely comes up. Democrats probably won't have a chance at this North County district.

Full Article at NCTimes.


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