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Thursday, June 09, 2005

So We Want To Reform The UN

Yes, I am sure that this will work,
The U.S. House International Relations Committee approved legislation today to withhold half of U.S. dues to the United Nations unless the world body overhauls its bureaucracy, bars dictatorships from human rights posts and installs a tougher internal watchdog.
It would be stupid to say that the UN is a perfectly functioning international body that requires no reform, so I won't go that far. In fact, I would argue that there are a number of changes necessary to restoring some respect for the oft tarnished organization. But overall, I think that the U.S. going at it alone is a pretty silly strategy. We should at least try to force reform from within, rather than having a bunch of our representatives, who tend to have little knowledge of the UN decide the fate of the most important international body in the world. Does anyone else think that we are being a little arrogant here? Yes, that's right. America is being arrogant.

Full Article at Bloomberg.
Actual Bill from the House (PDF).


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