Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Conditions For A 3rd Party In Place?

Taken from Political Wire,
Marshall Whitmann says current conditions might help a third party grow in time for the 2008 presidential election.
"As the new Washington Post survey shows, independents are particularly estranged from the Bushies. The overall electorate is annoyed by both parties and the Washington politicians. The deficit is growing and the economy is anemic. The popularity of the Iraq war is plummeting and no end is in sight.

"These are combustible conditions that could very well produce a third force in American politics. It is striking how similar the current situation is to that in 1992 when Perot emerged."
My own opinion is that the conditions necessary are probably never going to be achieved, primarily because of the numerous institutional roadblocks that have entrenched the two party system (first past the post, winner take all, etc). These are the true barriers to a true third party from ever emerging. But also, one must admit that the prospects of uniting people all across the nation, from Washington to Georgia, with a new political party are also more difficult than other constraints - this is not to say that the two party system has done so, but rather that when the two parties have a national consensus. Lastly, there is the issue of money that comes up. Its not just people's anger at the system that will create the change, but rather a combination of factors, including the money to fund candidates, create a national party structure, and make the local party strong as well. This is certainly one huge obstacle as well, as the cost of elections has grown exponentially and the people with money tend to be more partisan than the average Joe.


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