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Friday, July 08, 2005

Italy says Ciao to Iraq

I guess a number of different things (like this, this, and probably this) have scared the Italians out of Iraq. But who can really blame them for leaving a war that has no end in sight. Sure, everyone hopes for the best in Iraq and want to see the new "democratic" government triumph, but this whole idea of waiting until Iraq can guarantee its own safety is certainly not much of an exit strategy - instead, it stands as a clear cut way for the U.S. (and others) to retain influence in the region for the next century and beyond, similar to the way we have continued to "help" the Koreans and Germans. Perhaps Italy actually doesn't want to have to deal with an endless committment, but for whatever reason, it came as no surprise as the announcement was made earlier today by the Premier.
Italy plans to begin withdrawing some of its troops from Iraq in September, Premier Silvio Berlusconi said Friday.

Speaking at the end of the G-8 summit, Berlusconi said the withdrawal plans could change because they depend on security conditions on the ground and denied it was linked to any terrorist threats against Italy.

"We will begin withdrawing 300 men in the month of September," said Berlusconi, who has come under increasing pressure in Italy over his support for the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.

Poor Berlusconi has been taking a battering from a number of different sources, including those within his own coalition.

Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli of the right-wing Northern League party said Friday the time had come for the United Nations to begin discussing "the progressive withdrawal of troops, beginning with our contingent, perhaps by September."

Full Article at the Washington Post.


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