Stuff, Etc.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Hillary Haters

There is a good article in the New York Times about the numberous and steadfast Hillary Haters who will pose an obvious problem if the Junior Senator from New York decides to run in 2008. According to a recent poll, 4 in 10 Americans disapprove of her! That is a pretty high number and makes a White House run seem like a bad idea. However, there is still a lot of time for her to persuade people that she isn't the caricature they have in their minds.
Mrs. Clinton sought to counteract the damage posed by the anti-Clinton feeling by spending nearly two years traveling around the state in a calculated effort to force voters to re-examine what, if anything, is so objectionable about her.

Many Democrats and independent political strategists contend that Mrs. Clinton may have to do much the same nationally.

"To be successful nationally, she will have to defuse some of the negative feelings," Mr. Miringoff said. "One way to attempt that is to replicate what she did in with New York with her Listening Tour."

Overall, there are three really big questions. Would the Hillary haters be the kind of people that would normally vote for a Centrist Democrat? Maybe some.
Do they hate her enough to be active against her in 2008? Bingo. These people will seriously devote a lot of time.
Do the ones who support her outweigh these haters? Possibly. That name Clinton does bring a lot of people together.

Nonetheless, it may turn out that we have another very polarizing president come 2008.


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