Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Another Possible Innocent Death Row Inmate

Hours before her execution, Frances Newton was granted a reprieve from Texas Governor Rick Perry surrounding the 1987 killing of her husband and two children.
Newton’s lawyer asked for more time to have the ballistics evidence used at Newton’s trial retested and to investigate the quality of her original legal defense. Yesterday the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended by a vote of 5-1 that Newton be given a temporary reprieve of 120 days.

These cases just keep piling up and there are two other executions scheduled this week. One is in Pennsylvania, where George Banks, a mentally ill man who believes God has granted him a reprieve, will be executed tomorrow. The other is in North Carolina, where Charles Walker was convicted of a 1992 murder, despite cries of biased witnesses and lack of evidence at trial. The five witnesses who pinned the murder to Walker were also prosecuted or implicated with the murder.

More on Frances Newton.


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