Stuff, Etc.

Monday, November 15, 2004

CIA becoming Bush's Gestapo

As if John Ashcroft telling judges to not interfere with President Bush's decisions during the war was not enough, now the same is being said to the CIA. Under pressure from the White House, the CIA is about to undergo a systematic restructuring to insure that no nay-sayers to the president are in the Intelligence Body.

The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers thought to have been disloyal to President Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the war in Iraq and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources.

"The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda."

Once again, what the hell is going on in our country? Shouldn't the CIA be full of people that do their job and report on the failures and successes of the administration?

What is interesting, is that the president is using the excuse of intelligence failure over the leadup to the War in Iraq as a reason to completely weed out the dissenting elements in the CIA. He doesn't seem to understand that the dissenters were probably the ones behind-the-scenes questioning the intelligence in the first play. Some of them probably believed there was no "slam dunk" case of WMDs.

However, Arizona Senator John McCain has agreed with the shake-up, calling the agency a "rogue agent" and one that must be dissent-free. Unfortunately, it seems that the Democrats have chosen not to fight this battle.

Full Article at the Houston Chronicle.


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