Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Reduce Dependency on Foreign Oil... By Drilling?

Here is another issue that I cannot simply understand. Why would we try to reduce our dependency on foreign oil by simply supplementing our dependence with a cheap injection into the market? Why wouldn't we look towards new technologies that promise hopes of cleaner air, water, renewability, and most importantly, jobs for Americans all around the nation? This is a really disheartening issue, especially with the reinvigorated Republicans and with Bush imagining that the election gave him a mandate on environmental issues.
Republicans in the House and Senate said this week they plan to push for Alaska refuge drilling legislation early next year, and they predict success, given the 55-44-1 GOP Senate majority in the next Congress. Democrats and some environmental activists say continued protection of the refuge has never been as much in doubt.

But wait, there is much more.
Bush is also expected in his second term to renew his call for action by Congress on a broader, largely pro-production, energy agenda — from easing rules for oil and gas drilling on federal land in the Rocky Mountains to expanding clean-coal technology and improving the reliability of the electricity grid.

New tax incentives to spur construction of next-generation nuclear power plants also will be back on the table after Democrats and some moderate Republicans scuttled it last year.

Now, the cleaner coal is a pretty good idea, but it seems like we are just expanding all of our other policies without thinking about the environmental costs whatsoever. This will be an incredible battle in the Senate, but I just hope that the Democrats have the spines to resist these irresponsible policies. Otherwise, we will seriously put ourselves into even deeper peril in the future for some short-term relief at the pump.

Full Article on Bush's Energy Policy.


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