Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I am very sorry everybody. This has been a pretty bad day in the history of the country and certainly one of the worst of my life. But not just because of the presidency of course, we also went deeper down in the Senate and House, even losing Daschle's seat. However, Kerry's loss will certainly sting the longest.

The future is now in the hands of activists, as the Progressives have no majority in our national government. In California though, we are still lucky to have clear and outright majorities in both houses, giving hope that we can lead the nation in the right direction. But, we also saw Proposition 66, the Three Strikes Revision, fail to make it to 50% after some last minute campaigning by Arnold et all.

A second piece of hope is newly elected Senator Barack Obama. The skinny kid with a funny name, he will undoubtedly be a future Democratic nominee for president, probably in 2012 or 2016. Third, we saw the emergence of John Edwards, a man that we could see much more from in the coming years. If he was the Presidential Nominee, I doubt this posting would be so disheartening. I can only dream now...

Nonetheless, we will have to pick up the pieces soon and rebuild for the future. Hope still exists, and the president will likely continue his divisive policies that will infuriate many. By 2006, we must be strong and organized. And seriously, the youth has to vote.


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