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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Kerry Already Forming Cabinet

Although a bit Senate heavy, John Kerry has already begun compiling members for his future cabinet, the most important being Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware as the new Secretary of State. Richard Holbrooke, the former UN ambassador under Clinton, is another possibility, although Biden seems to be the favorite. Here are some other positions and possible candidates:

National Security Adviser - Rand Beers or Wesley Clark (!!!!!)
Secretary of Defense - John McCain or Chuch Hegel
Head of CIA - Bob Graham

Although McCain is constantly talked about, it appears that he is apprehensive for a number of reasons. One, he is already known as a maverick in the party, this could be the tipping point. Second, although a friend of Kerry's, McCain has obviously been active in helping Bush's campaign. Third, if the Republicans keep hold of the Senate, he will be chair of the Armed Services Committee. Forth and most important, McCain's political future is still quite up in the air, more specifically, he might run for president again.

More on Appointments


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