Stuff, Etc.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Voter Intimidation is going full force once again in Florida, and who is the targeted group? You guessed it, African-Americans. A list of 1886 names and addresses of mostly African-American voters was part of an e-mail to the Executive Director of Bush's campaign in Florida and to the Campaign's National Research Director in DC. Republican State Campaign Spokeswoman Mindy Tucker Fletcher contended that the list was not compiled to challenge voters, but didn't explicitly rule out that it may be used in that way. Fletcher did admit that Republican poll workers will challenge voters, "where it's stated in the law", leaving everyone's imagination to decide what exactly that will mean...

BBC News Article

Reports of intimidation seem to be growing, so if anybody out there finds any news, please e-mail me or add it to the comments. Thanks.


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