Stuff, Etc.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ashcroft to Judges: Don't Do Your Job

Before Attorney General John Ashcroft formally leaves his post, he is making sure to leave a legacy of lawlessness and idiocy. Here is what he had to say about judges questioning the president during a time of war,
The danger I see here is that intrusive judicial oversight and second-guessing of presidential determinations in these critical areas can put at risk the very security of our nation in a time of war,

To add to this rather odd, but all too common, stance of looking at law, Ashcroft also had this to say about the courts.
Courts are not equipped to execute the law. They are not accountable to the people,

Dare I say... WOW. Courts shouldn't be executing the law, since they don't know what public opinion polls say? I always thought that the law should be independent of the sways of people's perceptions and accountable to the Constitution. Silly me.

Full article here.


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