Stuff, Etc.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

GOP No Longer Fiscally Conservative

In a measure to further confuse Americans about their values, House Republicans narrowly passed a debt-limit hike, raising the borrowing limit to $8.18 trillion, an $800 billion increase. The vote was 208-204, an incredibly close margin considering the House has the Republicans well in the majority. A few Republicans couldn't help but dissent from the fiscal irresponsibility of their colleagues,
"Let's not use our elderly as political pawns in trade for a seven-second sound bite back home," said Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas.

It is just amazing to see such a huge number, $8.18 trillion, which represents about 70% of our GDP. The federal debt has grown by a whopping $2.4 trillion under Bush's reign and will certainly continue to grow for at least the next ten years. Even more amazing is to know that the Republicans are complete sheep in this matter, doing anything their president will say regardless of the fiscal sanity that they previously championed. Where is the Balanced Budget Amendment now?

In the Senate, the bill had passed with a 52-44 vote, once again along party lines.

Full Article Here.


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