Stuff, Etc.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Frame the Debate

Good news, UC Berkeley Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science George Lakoff will be meeting with House Democrats on Tuesday to talk about framing the issue. It is about time.
Lakoff describes how well-financed think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute churn out ideas and go out of their way to make experts available for print and broadcast reporters, talk show hosts and op-ed pages. Then Republican officeholders and candidates stick to the party's message and effectively use the same words to drive home their message. They talk of moral values, Bush's "compassionate conservatism,'' "protecting the unborn,'' "partial-birth abortion'' and "death tax,'' and drive Democrats to distraction by constantly referring to the "Democrat Party, '' instead of the "Democratic Party.''

A long-term committment is needed and Lakoff is a good man to start the Democrats on that path. Here are some of his past ideas that the Democrats seemed to ignore.
During the 2004 campaign, Lakoff suggested that instead of talking about how Bush had run up the national debt, Democrats should label it a "baby tax'' the Republican president had imposed on future generations.

He has suggested that same-sex marriage should be referred to as "the right to marry.'' Trial lawyers like vice presidential nominee John Edwards should instead be called "public protection attorneys,'' and the term environmental protection, which brings to mind big government and reams of regulations, should instead be termed "poison-free communities.''

Seems like quite a clever man; let's just hope the Democrats listen to him, although being in the minority will make it difficult to control the debate.

More at SFGate.


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