Science and the Bush Administration
There is a great opinion piece in the Guardian about the Bush Administration and its denial of science in favor of convservative ideals. Here is an excerpt,
The article details the attack on science in a number of areas, including climate change, stem cell research, and evolution. Overall, it is only a matter of time before this dismissal of science and fact wil come back and seriously hurt the nation; or maybe that time has already passed.
Full Article at the Guardian.
Thanks to the policies and prejudices of the Bush administration, science has become a dirty word. The American century was built on scientific progress. From the automobile to the atom bomb to the man on the moon, science and technology underpinned American military, commercial and cultural might. Crucial to that was the presidency. From FDR and the Los Alamos laboratory to Kennedy and Nasa to Clinton and decoding the genome, the White House was vital to promoting ground-breaking research and luring the world's scientific elite. But Bush's faith-based, petro-chemical administration has reversed that tradition: excepting matters military, this presidency exhibits an abiding aversion to scientific inquiry that is in danger of affecting the entire country.
The article details the attack on science in a number of areas, including climate change, stem cell research, and evolution. Overall, it is only a matter of time before this dismissal of science and fact wil come back and seriously hurt the nation; or maybe that time has already passed.
Full Article at the Guardian.
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