Stuff, Etc.

Friday, March 18, 2005

CA District Trends

This is from the CA Target Book but reproduced by the National Journal's House Race Hotline,

Below are some of the 2004 election results from the California Target Book, Volume One, 2005. The results are from the WH matchup between John Kerry and Pres. Bush, the SEN matchup between Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) and California Secretary of State Bill Jones (R) and the House incumbent's '04 winning percentage.
      H 04   WH 00       WH 04          SEN 04  
Bush Gore Bush Kerry Boxer Jones
CA: 42% 54% 44% 54% 58% 38%
CA 11 Rep. Pombo (R): 61 52 44 54 45 50 47
CA 18 Rep. Cardoza (D): 68 44 53 50 49 57 39
CA 20 Rep. Costa (D): 54 43 54 48 51 57 38
CA 26 Rep. Dreier (R): 54 53 43 55 44 48 47
CA 47 Rep. Sanchez (D): 60 41 56 50 49 57 35
CA 50 Rep. Cunningham (R): 59 53 42 55 44 48 48
CA 51 Rep. Filner (D): 62 40 56 46 53 61 34

This is all very interesting, as 18, 20, and 47 are all represented by Latino(a)s, while 51 is right on the border with Mexico. This could mean that Kerry was not a very strong candidate with Latino voters or that Bush was really good. Overall, it doesn't necessarily mean that Latinos are trending to the GOP, but it could be shown that way. Whatever the basis, Dems should take notice.


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