Stuff, Etc.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Gays in the Military

I thought that this issue might take a long time to resurface, but of all publications, The Economist is rallying for a change in our policy,
According to a recent poll of enlisted men, more than half thought gays should be allowed in the armed forces. In the current time of overstretch, even the older, more conservative, officer class seems to be changing heart. The number of gay discharges rose steadily till 2001, when America went to war in Afghanistan; since then the annual figure has halved. As for the idea that the ban reflects American mores, polls suggest that at least 64% of Americans would allow gay soldiers.

The truth of the matter is that this is a blatant form of discrimination by the U.S. government and one that should clearly be changed. The article points to the relative success of Britain's policy of inclusion, and this should lend some support to the idea that things must be changed. But then again, Britain is not nearly as homophobic a country we are. Nor are gays subject to so much political manipulation there.

Full Article at The Economist.


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