Stuff, Etc.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

$2.64 million of taxpayer money

... well spent according to some sources.
Prosecutors spent $672,507 to get a death sentence for Scott Peterson, the Stanislaus County district attorney's office reported Friday.

That does not include an estimated $1 million Modesto police spent on the double-murder investigation, nor $742,000 in court costs. Taxpayers footed an additional $229,000 for Peterson's experts when he ran out of money for his defense.

Those combined costs exceed $2.64 million in public funds.

That is an amazing amount of cash to be spent on one trial, but apparently it makes sense rather than saving millions and giving the guy life without parole. It is amazing to think what could have been done with all of that extra money, like counseling for the victim's families, more policemen, better schools, etc. Well, death comes at a price.

Full Article at the Modesto Bee.


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