Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Angelides Slowly Imploding

1A few months ago, I thought Angelides had the Democratic Nomination for Governor in the bag. How wrong I was! He is trailing Westly in a number of polls and just keeps on saying the same things: I am gonna tax you! Broken record that nobody wants to hear.

Maybe it is a better thing that he lose the primary, it seems that Westly can draw in more independents. He also has a bit of flair to him that I like, even if he was pretty supportive of Arnold in the beginning. Still, if it is between a guy that keeps saying that he is gonna raise your taxes and one that says he is going to close tax loopholes, I'll choose the latter. And somehow, I don't think I am the only one.

Oh yeah, and if you are Angelides, it doesn't help having former Presidential Nominee Michael Dukakis send out an e-mail for you.

Tag: Angelides, Westly


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