Fuck Tom Tancredo... Wait
Tom Tancredo, the Republican congressman, the four-term Coloradan has positioned himself as the loudest, angriest voice against the estimated 11 million illegal aliens now living in the United States. They are "a scourge that threatens the very future of our nation," he says.Fuck Tom Tancredo. This guy does not deserve to be a Representative of our government with the kind of hate he breathes. What is even more sorry is how powerful he has become - he is the head of the House "Immigration Reform Caucus", which is a sorry attempt by 89 Republicans and two Democrats to limit immigration and capitalize on the fear of 9/11. Tancredo is also considering running for President in 2008, if Republican candidates don't push immigration reform to the top of their agenda.
I hope he does end up running. He will show America how sick the right wing really is and will destroy the eventual nominee - securing an election that even Democrats can't fail to win. Although his views are disgusting, he may end up being a savior to the Democratic Party and a wedge for the Republicans.
So, on second thought, keep talking Tom Tancredo. Your extremism is alarming, and will only destroy your party's electoral chances in the future.
Newsweek Article on Tom Tancredo
Tag: Tom Tancredo
You say Tom will show America how sick the right wing really is, but you are sadly mistaken. Scour the web and read the newspaper. Virtually every poll done regarding immigration finds that the vast majority favors some sort of sweeping immigration reform. If you dont think for one second that they are a threat and drain to our society you are dead wrong.
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM
To me it’s about enforcing the current laws. The government has not been doing this as a gift to big business to keep their labor costs low. Those on the left who care about living wages should applaud this attempt to get the government to do something about this issue.
Simple economics 101 – the more people willing to do the work, the lower the wages. Pay US citizens a decent wage and you won’t have 11 million illegal immigrants in this country.
Keep the current system in place and we will all be in a race to the bottom as there are about 4.5+ billion other people in this world who would probably like to be in America and make more money and have a better standard of living.
If anyone thinks that a ‘better-educated’ US citizen will be able to compete against that onslaught you should have your head examined. Our nation can’t absorb all the people in the world that want a better life for themselves. It’s lunacy to do so at the expense of our own citizens. You want to help others who are less fortunate – great – send them a check or donate your time to helping them – DON’T GIVE THEM MY JOB.
We’re not just talking about migrant workers – the moronic Bushie proposals are set to increase legal immigration of all job types about a million a year. With just a couple hundred thousand ‘new’ jobs being created in this horribly anemic economy – how long will it take for you to be replaced by that ‘nice new immigrant’?
Hope you all enjoyed middle class because we’re heading back to the days of slave labor thanks to the new ‘global economy’ and the putrid efforts of most of our elected leaders who appear to be willing to do anything – including destroying the economic security of US citizens to get a few more corporate dollars.
Anonymous, at 9:32 AM
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