Immigration Smackdown
an awesome rundown of some talking points from La Queen Sucia. Here are two of my favorites,
For all those interested in the actual facts, here is MICHAEL SAYS: 2. They overwhelm the public school system and not being property owners they pay no taxes to support the schools.AND,
Of the 11 million or so illegal immigrants in the United States, 1.6 million are children under 18, according to the Urban Foundation. If you figure many of them are not yet old enough to be in school, we are talking somewhere around 1 million undocumented immigrant children in the United States – from every nation on earth.
According to the press office at the National Education Association, there are currently 48,132,518 children enrolled in America’s public school system. Assuming 1 million of them are undocumented immigrant children, this means 2 percent of America’s public school students are undocumented immigrants.
Besides which, most undocumented immigrants do, in fact, pay property taxes. Illegal immigrants who are not property owners live in rental properties for which the OWNER does, in fact, have to pay property tax. Unless the owner is extremely stupid, this tax is covered by the rent. (Real Estate 101, my friends.) Therefore the illegal immigrants, like all renters, are paying the landlord’s property tax.
Therefore, the number of undocumented immigrant children whose parents are not paying taxes who are enrolled in American public schools is probably miniscule. Somewhere less than a quarter of one percent of all illegal immigrant children in public schools have parents who do not pay for those schools.
Let us reflect on the Webster’s dictionary definition of “overwhelm,” the word you used to describe the illegal immigrant population in America’s public schools. It is: “Upset, Overthrow, to cover over completely, to overcome through superior force or numbers.”
Let us review another word from Webster’s: Exaggeration. “To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.”
You are an exaggerator. Actually, exaggerator is a generous description of what you are. The best description goes like this: “One that tells lies.” You are a liar.
MICHAEL SAYS: 3. They do not register for selective service and do not serve in the military - forcing legal Americans to defend them.Hat tip Atrios.
ALISA SAYS: Sigh. According the U.S. government, all male immigrants – legal and otherwise – are required by U.S. law to register for selective service.
According to the National Center for Immigration Law, one in ten U.S. soliders who have DIED in Iraq have been immigrants. Five percent of those serving in our military are illegal immigrants.
The first soldier to die for the United States in the current war in Iraq was Marine Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala.
He died for you.
You are not in Iraq fighting for anyone. You are home, sending lie-riddled missives to strangers at 3 a.m. on your computer.
Enough said.
the actual facts:
1) Jose Gutierrez was not the first soldier to die for the United States in the current war in Iraq. First four soldiers died day before Jose Gutierrez was killed.
The Department of Defense announced today the identities of four U.S. Marines killed in a CH-46E helicopter crash on March 20 in Kuwait. Killed were:
Maj. Jay Thomas Aubin, 36, of Waterville, Maine
Capt. Ryan Anthony Beaupre, 30, of Bloomington, Ill.
Cpl. Brian Matthew Kennedy, 25, of Houston, Texas
Staff Sgt. Kendall Damon Watersbey, 29, of Baltimore, Md.
Therrel S. Childers and Jose Gutierrez were killed in action on March 21, 2003
The Department of Defense announced today the identities of two U.S. Marines killed in action on March 21 in Southern Iraq. Killed were:
2nd Lt. Therrel S. Childers, 30, Harrison County, Miss.
Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, 22, Los Angeles, Calif.
2) Gutierrez held permanent U.S. resident status, which he obtained in 1999. He was not illegal when he died
MB, at 7:30 PM
Fair enough. He wasn't the first, but he was still an illegal immigrant. He later obtained his legal status.
That doesn't detract from the fact that people still try to rip apart illegal immigrants. Especially without looking beyond their assumptions.
ajit, at 11:16 PM
but why one should follow someone else
Look on this:
currently 48,132,518 children enrolled in America’s public school system. Assuming 1 million of them are undocumented immigrant children, this means 2 percent of America’s public school students are undocumented immigrants.
She forgot to add 3.1 million children who are U.S. citizens by birth living in families in which the head of the family or a spouse was illegal. Basicaly it gives 6 percent of America's public school student are kids of illegal aliens.
and the same problem with almost every number in her rant.
MB, at 9:49 AM
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