Stuff, Etc.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Malkin vs Malkin

TheTalentShow has an interesting compilation of Michelle Malkin's points of view, pitting her against herself. Here is a little bit,

Now going back to you, Michelle. You recently had some harsh words in response to the rumors that the New York Times was looking into the adoption records of Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts. So you think someone's personal life is off-limits?

I think it's the journalistic equivalent of dumpster-diving, Steve. And I think there's no excuse for it. There's no defense for it and the New York Times should apologize for it.
The name's Greg, but I see your point. On the same subject, I'm going to pass this one to you Michelle. Michelle has taken a pretty firm stand against digging into personal records, but you recently printed Cindy Sheehan's divorce records on your own site. Where do you stand on that?
Like it or not, the dispute between Cindy Sheehan and some of her family members is news.

Thank you Michelle for your very cogent views on the standards of journalism, you are a gem!


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