Stuff, Etc.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

First Lady Okays Miers

In that case...

Joining her husband in defense of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, Laura Bush today called her a "role model for young women around the country" and suggested that sexism was a "possible" reason for the heavy criticism of the nomination.

"I know Harriet well," the first lady said. "I know how accomplished she is. I know how many times she's broken the glass ceiling. . . . She's very deliberate and thoughtful and will bring dignity to wherever she goes, certainly the Supreme Court."

Well, if strict-scrutiny-Laura okays the nomination, then who could say no?! After all, she is a trustworthy and neutral observer of the process. I am sure that many senators will be persuaded by her fine reasoning...

Full Article at Washington Post.


  • It's so funny to hear the righties crying sexism -- it is mostly the righties who oppose her! Also, no one cares what sex she is -- they all are worried that she is not qualified and and not conservative enough.

    The cry has been cronyism, not sexism. Talk about crying wolf.

    By Blogger Charcoal Moon, at 12:11 PM  

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