Bush Admits Error
Today, in a rather stunning turnaround, President Bush has finally accepted the fact that Iraq did not have any WMDs. Instead of continuing to ignore the truth and deny that Hussein wasn't a nuclear threat, both the Vice President and the President finally conceded that the Iraqi leader indeed didn't possess the weapons - and the fault lies with intelligence agencies... not themselves for hyping allegations. Similarly, in an effort to find some new rationale for the war, the President decided to mention Hussein's abuse of the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Program as a good reason to take out the dictator. Well, at least he is showing some creativity...
Bush, Cheney Concede Saddam Had No WMDs
Bush, Cheney Concede Saddam Had No WMDs
keep up the posting man! i really hope this country wakes up before it is too late. nice to see people really taking initiative. good luck with what you guys are at.
The Tobacconist, at 4:32 PM
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