Stuff, Etc.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

What!? NO WMD!?

So, uh, all that stuff about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction or Saddam Hussein trying to obtain the materials to make them, was, well, false.
U.S. Report Finds No Evidence of Iraq WMD
But you know, he was a pretty mean guy and he definitely had some links to Al Qaeda and 9-11.
Rumsfeld: Al-Qaeda-Saddam link is weak
Oh wait, I guess that wasn't exactly true either, but um, we brought peace and democracy to Iraq, so it all worked out in the end, right? And now America is safer, since a man that had no capability of striking us with a nuclear weapon or had any clear connections to Al Qaeda has been replaced by an ultra-fragile state with beheadings, suicide bombings, and terrorists everywhere... Let Freedom Ring.


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