Stuff, Etc.

Friday, November 04, 2005

It Was Only a Matter of Time

Now they are starting to get desperate,
House Republicans are looking closely at ending birthright citizenship and building a barrier along the entire U.S.-Mexico border as they search for solutions to illegal immigration.
The whole barrier idea will likely be forgotten in a couple of weeks, as it is unlikely to garner much support. But the birthright citizenship provision, I fear, might actually get a lot of people behind it. People like Tom Tancredo, a representative from Colorado, who has praised the Minutemen for their work on the border with Mexico.
"This is the issue that motivated me to deal with immigration."
That is pretty sad to hear that this was the issue that motivated you. But, well, you are from Colorado, so its not like you are dealing with undocumented immigrants everywhere you go.

Regardless, this issue is probably going to keep coming up in the future. And we really are going to have to ask ourselves if we should be messing around with precedent, like that set in the Constitution. It states that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens. This is applicable to back in the day when we were desperate for European immigrants to come over and start populating the vast territory that would be America. But now, we feel no obligation to let in others and will probably develop a citizenship system that will only permit automatic citizenship for people whose parent(s) were citizens themselves. This may turn out to be very problematic, as we might end up having a bunch of people in the U.S. that have no citizenship whatsoever. This is a risk that we shouldn't be willing to take.


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