Stuff, Etc.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Probably Why I'll Support Obama

It has been between Obama and Edwards for me for quite a while. I think that substantively, Edwards seems to across as a bit more policy oriented, but Obama seems to have the ability to unite all kinds of people. Now it is even clearer that Obama is right for all of America.

In his new memoir, "No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner," Shrum recalls asking Edwards at the outset of that campaign, "What is your position, Mr. Edwards, on gay rights?"

"I'm not comfortable around those people," Edwards replied, according to Shrum.
With that on the table, I feel no excuse but to support Obama, even if we are still a bit early in the primary season. However, Edwards has made some clear amends over his vote on the Iraq War, so if he comes clean on his tolerance of gays, then we shall see.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

What I Wanted to see Asked at the Republican Presidential Debate

Two questions should have been asked, both which would have been pretty decent follow ups,

1. First, after being asked about evolution, the candidates should have been asked who believes that Adam and Eve were the first humans on the planet.

2. Second, after being asked about amending the Constitution to allow for foreign-born citizens to run for president, they should have been asked who believes in a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. This question would probably require more than just a raise of the hand though, as I would want to see people explain their positions.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Nail in the Coffin for Gonzales?

I was at first quite skeptical that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales would actually get fired for his role in the US Attorney Scandal. However, the evidence just keeps on mounting that this was indeed done for political reasons and that he was fully knowing of this.

Today, we learned that Gonzales gave two of his aides authority to hire and fire political appointees. Moreover, it appears that Gonzales, nor anyone in the Justice Department, disclosed this delegation of authority to Congress.

Additionally, according to National Journal, an original draft of the delegation of authority was so broad, that neither of the two officials needed to receive approval from Gonzales before dismissing officials.

One can only wonder how much longer Gonzales will be allowed to stick around. It seems that only more information will be recovered in the coming weeks and months and the Attorney General's actions will be further scrutinized. Of course, this also is a nice distraction from Iraq.