Vote Fraud: Conservative Style
Atrios has the goods,
Tag: Ann Coulter
Time to find out if the rule of law applies to Ann Coulter.
A Palm Beach poll worker says he tried to help GOP-loving pundit Ann Coulter vote in the right precinct last week. But, Jim Whited says, Coulter dashed out of the polling place when he told her she needed to file a change of address.
"I even ran out after her," he says. "But she was fast."
Later, elections records show, Coulter cast her ballot 2 miles up the road — in the wrong precinct.
Whited, a former candidate for WPB mayor, was posted at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Feb. 7 as a $185-a-day precinct adviser, records confirm.
"Ms. Coulter came to me, and the address we had for her in the computer didn't match the address I know she lives at," Whited says.
He says he remembered a Page Two story in April about Coulter, 44, buying a $1.8 million home on Seabreeze Avenue. Yet county elections records show Coulter gave an address in June at the northern tip of the island, on Indian Road, when she registered. Turns out the addresses are in different precincts.
Tag: Ann Coulter